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There are times when you meet a guy that you fancy for a number of reasons. It could be because of his lively smile, awesome personality or adventurous nature. However, for whatever reason it is, standing and waiting for him to come by may just be the quickest way to lose him.
The good thing is there are ways you can call his attention and get him addicted to you if you play your cards right with an effective SMS text.
First step: Give him a smile by SMS
First, you have to find a way to catch his attention. At this point, it’s about making quick, precise and intentional steps that he certainly wouldn’t see coming. The fastest way to grab his attention is to give him a smile by SMS. The presence of emojis today has made it easier to communicate emotions or moods subconsciously.
Send him a text, with smiling and happy emojis that would show him your good vibe. Giving guys the subconscious green light is one of the best things you can do to attract them to you.
Second step: Get him interested
For guys to actually come by, they have to develop some form of interest in you. This can be achieved in several natural ways like when they fancy you or love your looks or brains or more. However, you can make them come to you by showing that you’re complacent and comfortable around them.
From the smiling SMS, get talking with him and always put in conscious efforts to show that you’re really vibing with, and would be very comfortable having him around.
Third step: The small attentions to flirt with him by SMS
Now, this is the point where you make him know that what you want is beyond friendship. It is important that you make it clear that you want something more before it turns into one of those awkward friend-zoning situations. Throwing around a few flirt makes your intention clear early on.
Include blushing emojis, excitements, love emojis more often than not and step up your connotative flirting game.
Fourth step: The surprise! The best way to make him crazy by SMS
Following the first three steps diligently would prime him for this step, which is to take things physical. From spending time around him to letting him know you love his company and more, SMS can only do so much, and he has to see the interest in your eyes.
This gets him seriously thinking about you and gives him the confidence that you aren’t going to say no when he eventually pops the words.